Category Archives: News

Math Games workshops for kids ages 4-6

grade k2

To register for the math games workshop/s, please sign up here:

A game is an exciting and motivating activity for children. Learning through play captivates children’s attention like nothing else. Children can forget what they learn through mindless drilling exercises, but the concepts they learn through games stay with them for life. Our workshops foster children’s natural curiosity by providing an intellectually stimulating environment.

No more math anxiety
Providing an early exposure to mathematical thinking is crucial for a child’s development. Early exposure to mathematical thinking and problem solving helps children learn the school curriculum and easily attain the required skills. We believe that it’s equally important to have a positive experience while discovering math. Many children think of math as boring and dry, and they start developing math anxiety as early as first grade. We want to capture children’s interest now while they do not have any preconceptions about the subject. Educational games can make a lasting difference in a child’s later education.

Beyond paper & pencil
Our workshops include creative movement games, fun competitions and collaborations. We want our students to work together, as a team, and develop the social skills, while discovering math in action. Parents are encouraged to attend and participate.

Our goal is to get students so excited about math that they want to stay after class, and continue solving problems at home. 

Open House

Sunday, April 3rd from 11am to 2pm. 

Learn about our after-school math program and STEAM summer program. Open house is perfect opportunity for parents to meet studio’s directors and teachers and find out more about our engaging curriculum.

Children will go from station to station and win PRIZES. Activities for ages 5-99.


Path to Math workshops

The “Path to Math” is based on a very popular series of classes led by Eugene Katz, a prominent early-education specialist from Moscow. Her “Merry Math for Preschoolers” methodology aims to show kids that math is not only arithmetic and word problems, but also geometry, logic, symmetry, and strategy!

We offer a wide range of games for kids between the ages of 4 and 6 including: board games, construction sets and mosaics, manipulatives for fine motor skills, strategy and logic games and so much more!

Our number one priority (other than to make your kids love math) is to develop logical thinking. We show children that a problem might have several different solutions, or (gulp!) none at all, and that looking for them can be very exciting.

Not only will your kids have a blast, but you will be introduced to the rich world of mathematical and developmental games that can be played at home. We have scoured the whole world for the best in educational toys, and we will be happy to share the cream of the crop with you and your child!

Sunday, January 24th – ENGLISH SPEAKING
– 10:30am – 11:15am (4-5 year old) $20
– 11:30am – 12:30pm (5-6 year old) $25

Friday, January 29th – RUSSIAN SPEAKING
– 5pm – 5:45pm (4-5 year olds) $20
– 6pm – 7pm (5-6 year olds) $25

Sunday, February 7th – ENGLISH SPEAKING
– 10:30am – 11:15am (4-5 year old) $20
– 11:30am – 12:30pm (5-6 year old) $25

To sign up, please fill out the registration form. Spaces are limited, so registration is required.

Math Games Workshops

We invite you to attend our math game workshops for children ages 4 – 7 and their parents.

Math is more than just counting. Learn about the latest developmental games from Russia, Germany and the United States.

December 13th – RUSSIAN SPEAKING
– 10:15am – 11:15am (5-6 year old) $25
– 11:30am – 12:30pm (6-7 year old) $25

December 20th – ENGLISH SPEAKING
– 10:30am – 11:15am (4-5 year old) $20
– 11:30am – 12:30pm (5-6 year old) $25

– 10:30am – 11:15am (4-5 year old) $20
– 11:30am – 12:30pm (5-6 year old) $25

To sign up, please fill out the registration form:

Math Kangaroo registration

About Math Kangaroo Competition
Math Kangaroo is a unique international competition in mathematics for students in grades 1 through 12. It is the only competition we know that allows elementary school students (starting 1st grade) to participate. It is also the only math competition that lets kids to participate individually, not as a team. 

The competition takes the form of a multiple choice test. Each participant is seen as a winner and receives recognition and gifts on the test day in March. Those who achieve the top results are awarded in May. The atmosphere of appreciation for the students’ learning and the fun in each competition room across USA are the reasons why participants return year after year and bring their siblings and friends along. Math Kangaroo helps the students both to develop their skills and to enjoy mathematics even more. You can find more about the history of this competition on their website. 

 The competition is on March 17, 2015.

How to register
You can register for the competition on the Math Kangaroo website:

The registration for Math Kangaroo Competition  is open until December 15.
This year, we are hosting the math kangaroo competition for our students only. We registered the studio as a private center. Please email us for the passphrase.
The competition will take place at 50 Sewall street, Brookline (same location as last year).

November 15th – OPEN HOUSE


Sunday, November 15th, from 11am – 2pm.

Activities for all ages 5- 99.

Go from station to station and win PRIZES.

Math Hunt, estimation challenge,
3D Modeling and engineering,
Logical problems and games,
Unusual problems and riddles.

Come and meet our talented team! Talk to studio directors and teachers over a cup of coffee!

Developmental games for Russian-speaking children

(English sessions are coming up soon. The following sessions will be conducted in Russian.)

Дорогие родители дошколят!

Мы приглашаем вас на серию октябрьских игротек для детей 4-6 лет. Занятия по игровой методике Жени Кац «Весёлая математика для дошкольников».

Пятница 16 октября в 5:00-5:45 и 6:00-6:45 ч.веч.
Воскресенье 25 октября в 10:00-10:45 и 11:00-11:45 утра
Воскресенье 8 ноября в 10:00-10:45 и 11:00-11:45 утра
Пятница 13 ноября в 5:00-5:45 и 6:00-6:45 ч.веч.

Принято считать, что математика – наука сухая и скучная, но это не так. Математика – это целый язык, на котором описываются те явления, которые нас окружают. Описываются иногда короче, проще, четче, чем на других языках. И люди, говорящие на этом языке, понимают друг друга вне зависимости от того, на каком языке они говорят. Математика – это не только арифметика и текстовые задачи, но и геометрия, и мозаики, и симметрия, и классификации, и различные головоломки и логические игры. Главное, чем мы занимаемся, – это развитие четкого логического мышления, и математика – самый эффективный инструмент для этого. Мы хотим показать детям, что у любой задачи могут быть разные способы решения, и искать их очень увлекательно.

У четырёхлетних детей есть удивительная способность переносить окружающую реальность в сферу игры, а думать за партой в этом возрасте могут еще далеко не все. Поэтому мы предлагаем много игр – и подвижных, и настольных, и с разнообразными счетными материалами и конструкторами.

Таких занятий-игротек было проведено очень много, в самых разных условиях и местах – в России, Германии, США, Австралии и Израиле, в семейных лагерях и в школах.

У этой Игротеки, как и у всех Игротек, которые проводятся не в России есть и другая специфика. Мы хотим, чтобы наши дети имели круг сверстников, с которыми им интересно проводить время. Мы хотим беречь и сохранять у наших детей русский язык.
Мы хотим, чтобы общение на этом языке было бы для них ценным и приятным.
Поэтому часть игр на нашей Игротеке будут не только математическими, но и словесными.

Предварительная запись:
Invite your friends to the Facebook event.

Цена $20 за одну игротеку, $35 за две игротеки, $50 за три игротеки и $65 четыре игротеки. Скидка действительна при оплате на первом занятии.

Congratulations to our Math Kangaroo winners!

We have two gold medalists
– Kaidan Sheehan (grade 2) – 1th place in US, 1st place in MA
– Samuel Lerner (grade 6) – 1th place in US, 1st place in MA

…and 27 winners!
Grade 1
Marina Turchin – 10th place in US, 3rd place in MA
Anastasiya Budnik – 20th place in US

Grade 2
Alexander Loo – 13th place in US
Charlotte Norris – 17th place in US
Andrew Kaczmarek – 20th place in US

Grade 3
Benjamin Doctoroff – 12th place in US
Kalina Brookfield – 14th place in US
Julia Shapiro – 18th place in US
Eli Lewis – 20th place in US
Adah Shulman – 20th place in US
Solomon Turchin – 20th place in US

Grade 4
Luca Gonzalez – 4th place in US, 3rd place in MA
Maxim Shepetovsky – 8th place in US
Dylan O’Keefe – 10th place in US
Anya Ditkoff – 11th place in US.
Christopher Lee – 17th place in US
Yael Margoulis – 17th place in US
Evan Vu – 18th place in US
Josephine Liu – 18th place in US
Nathaniel Dvorkin – 19th place in US
Benjamin Vyshedskiy – 20th place in US

Grade 5
Zakarias Erdos – 4th place in US, 3rd place in MA
Theodor Dimov – 17th place in US
Luke Randolph – 19th place in US

Grade 6 – 8
Dylan Wang (grade 6)– 7th place in US
Victoria Maslova (grade 6) – 15th place in US
Liana Resnikoff (grade 8) – 17th place in US.